
United States (141), Mexico (397), Denmark (1), France (1), Germany (4), Israel (2), Netherlands (1), New Zealand (4), Republic of Korea (1), Spain (13), Switzerland (1) and the United Kingdom (13).
WHO -Influenza A(H1N1) - update 9

United States (141), Mexico (156), Austria (1), Canada (34), China, Hong Kong, Special Administrative Region (1), Denmark (1), Germany (4), Israel (2), Netherlands (1), New Zealand (4), Spain (13), Switzerland (1) and the United Kingdom (8).

United States (109), Mexico (97), Austria (1), Canada (19), Germany (3), Israel (2), Netherlands (1), New Zealand (3), Spain (13), Switzerland (1) and the United Kingdom (8).
29 Nisan 2009

United States (91), Mexico (26),Austria (1), Canada (13), Germany (3), Israel (2), New Zealand (3), Spain (4) and the United Kingdom (5).

United States (64), Mexico (26), Canada (6), New Zealand (3), the United Kingdom (2), Israel (2) and Spain (2).
27 Nisan 2009

United States (40), Mexico (26), Canada (6) and Spain (1).
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